Reserving Classes
Clients are solely responsible for the booking and canceling of their classes. Clients may reserve class spots online through their account, on the Train Insane application, Train Insane website; “www.traininsanefitness.com" or in person at the Train Insane front desk during normal business hours.
Reservations may be canceled, without penalty, up to 4 hours prior to class start time. This may be done online or in your member app. Your class credit will return to your account for use in the month.
If a class is canceled less than 4 hours prior to the start time, a $10 fee is incurred. The class credit will be returned for use in the month, unless an up to date card is not on file. In this case, the credit will be forfeited.
If no cancellation occurs, and the client does not attend class, it is considered a NO-SHOW. This will result in a $20 NO-SHOW fee. The class credit will be returned for use in the month, unless an up to date card is not on file. In this case, the credit will be forfeited.
Cancellations via electronic mail (email), Facebook messenger, Instagram or other social media, voice message, text message are not valid and the member will be charged.
If you book multiple classes, or waitlist multiple classes, you are solely responsible for canceling your classes within the bounds of the cancellation policy outlined above. Train Insane staff cannot be held responsible for accidental bookings by clients, double bookings, or double waitlisted classes made by members. Late-cancel and no-show fees apply if you do not cancel within the bounds of the cancellation policy for double bookings.
Waitlist Policy
In the event a scheduled class is booked to capacity, you may place yourself on the waitlist for the class. A notification from the Train Insane application will notify ALL MEMBERS on the waitlist simultaneously, so it is important to activate all PUSH NOTIFICATIONS to receive updates on waitlist status, as it is first come first serve basis.
Monthly membership payments begin at the time of purchase. Memberships are billed on a 28 day billing cycle. Memberships consist of 2 month, 6 month, and 12 month contracts.
All memberships are automatically renewed unless twenty-eight (28) business days written notice via email Ut@traininsanefitness.com. In the event of a declined credit card/debit card, the member’s account will be immediately suspended, pending the member updating their payment information and their membership dues paid in full.
Freeze Policy
Members with a monthly unlimited membership may put their membership on hold, in one-month increments, for up to three (3) consecutive calendar months.
A fee of $10 will be charged per request. Notice of intent to freeze one’s account must be submitted to Train Insane via email ut@traininsanefitness.com no less than seven (7) business days prior to the freeze date. The freeze request must state both the freeze start date and reactivation date defined by the submitter. Members who provide insufficient notice cannot be guaranteed a timely stop on billing. Members will not be billed for memberships during the freeze months. Billing will resume automatically upon the end of freeze months.
Canceling a Membership
NON CONTRACTED MEMBERS: You may cancel this Membership Agreement at any time. You must provide Train Insane written notice via email at ut@traininsanefitness.com, no less than twenty-eight (28) business days prior to the due date of your next billing payment. Failure to provide timely notice will result in a charge for the full amount of your next billing payment. The cancellation will take effect the subsequent month. For example, if your billing payment is due the first day of the month, you must provide written notice no later than twenty-eight (28) days prior to that date. If you fail to do so, you will be billed on the first day of the month for the full amount, and your contract will be canceled as of the date of the subsequent billing payment due date.
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Orem, UT Location
Orem, UT 84057